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Resume of Alex Wang

( 发布时间:2005年10月06日 22:00:36 )


     姓名:王忠吉 性别:男
Email Address:
联系地址:北京市昌平区回龙观镇东半壁店村 102206
  毕业院校:延边大学 1986-1988 英语专业 专科
吉林省教育学院 1992-1995 英语专业 本科
北京化工大学/美国瓦拉瓦拉大学 英语专业 六级
1988-1996 吉林省安图县第七中学英语教师
1996-2002浙江林学院 英语教师  
  2002-至今 北京金融学院 英语教师


Resume of Alex Wang Zhongji

Contact: 010-89891996
Add: Dongbanbidian Cun, Huilongguan Zhen, Changpin District 102206

Personal Details:
Date of birth: December 8, 1967;
Experience of education: 17 years.

Education Qualifications:
1. Two-year college diploma holder as education background Yanbian Teachers’ College;
2. Bachelor of English language major as education background Jilin Education Bureau in 1995;
3. Finished Level Six Conversational English program in Sanyu International Institute in 1996.

Employment Experiences:
1. College of Finance, Beijing English teacher;
2. Southwestern Sydney Institute of TAFE? Hangzhou Project, Zhejiang Forestry University? English teacher and assistant of DOS (Director of Study) 2001-2003;
4. ITDN (China International Trade Development Network Co., Ltd) 1996-2001;
5. Jilin Antu No. Seven Middle School English teacher and Dean of the English department 1988-1996.

Excellent communication skills;
Thorough understanding of issues related to management and deliver of language programs for a variety learning outcomes.

This resume is not meant to be a complete guide to my skills and appropriateness for the position I am applying for. However, I believe it accounts for the framework of my character and of my commitment to education and also of my interest in working with your language program and our perhaps our undertakings.


Peter Dooley
Director of TAFE Studies
Internationals Language Program
Zhejiang Forestry University

26th February’ 02
To who it may concern,
Reference for Alex Wang, Teacher
It is with much pleasure and sincerity that I give a very positive reference for Alex. Alex worked in the International TAFE Language Program provided for students attending the Advanced Business Diploma at the Zhejiang Forestry University. He worked as a teacher teaching English skills to years one and two students.

His attitude towards the students won their respect, confidence and loyalty. Alex is a conscientious, hardworking and punctual teacher who is always thoroughly prepared and in full command of his subject. He looks for every opportunity to improve his teaching skills, constantly seeking advice from his colleagues.

Alex is one of the best “team” workers I have had the pleasure to work with and we will all miss his valuable contribution to the Program. He will be welcomed back on this Program at any time.

Sincerely yours,

P.Dooley Director of TAFE Studies.

TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute- Zhejiang Forestry University
Joint-Venture Program
252 Yijin Street
The People’s Republic of China
Te.+86 571 63730951

4th December 2002
To Whom It May Concern
Mr. Alex Wang has been known to me since August, 2002. He is currently teaching at this university. The main part of his program is to teach on the Joint Venture Program between TAFE TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute (a public education provider for adults) and Zhejiang Forestry University. The agreement between the two organizations is for TAFE NEW to provide accredited Australian English and Business programs to students.

As part of the teaching team, Mr. Wong has made a valuable contribution. With his knowledge of the Chinese-English language teaching programs, he has been an excellent source information and guidance, so that the two teaching and learning systems can complete each other. In particular, he has expanded the communicative language teaching methods and text based teaching.

Mr. Wong is a dedicated teacher. He is most professional in his dealings with colleagues and students. He is well organized, generous and utterly reliable.

Richard Steel
Director of Studies,
English Program

April 22, 2002
To Whom It May Concern,
My colleague, Alex Wang, is a dedicated teacher and friend of 130 students. Hi passion for learning is rivaled by none every time I look over at his desk, he is poring over his English dictionary in an effort to learn ever more words. When students have a problem, they come to him more frequently than to any other teacher. He is constantly thinking about ways to adjust his lesson plans to create the most effective lesson possible, and his openness to new ideas and incredible patience are an example for all his fellow staff.

I have know Alex for around 5 months now, and I think his work ethic, attitude, and faith reveal a strong character that adheres strongly to solid principles. If you select Alex Wang, you will be employing a brilliant, selfless, generous, diligent man.

Paul Richlovsky
EFL teacher
Hangzhou, Zhejiang

发 布 人: mystudents 查看次数: 1647 次
交易方式: 求职 有效期至: 2006年04月04日
估  价: 未填写 联 系 人: mystudents
交易地点: Beijing 电子邮件:
联系电话: 发布身份: 个人
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