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Part-time Native English-Speaking Teacher

( 发布时间:2012年10月27日 19:23:54 )
Part-time Native English-Speaking Teacher
Start Education Consulting is one branched English training organization of Annie Flowers, we have set up the original English books lending. In order to meet the patriarch’s requirements, we are going to open a language sense and natural spell course. And now, we need a part-time native English- Speaking Teacher.

Job description:
According to the concept of Annie flowers, combine the language sense and natural spell mainly to arrange the class.
It is better that you’ve got a good ability to control the classes, a flexible way for teaching, and a humorous teaching sense. We encourage our students to learn though games and activities. For example, sing English songs, looking at CARDS, talking with rhythm sounds and so on.
Caring students with serious attitude toward teaching. The kids age are from 3 to 6.
Open-minded and easy-going with great team spirit.( Ensure that you will not reach the class neither late nor leave early.)
Salary treatment:200-300 RMB/h
Working time: From Monday to Friday, Having classes at night (6:15-8:15pm).On Saturday, the time is undetermined.
Location: Huoying Subway Station, Exit E welcome you.
Tel: 13671047955
If you are qualified, please be free to contact us.

发 布 人: 星光乐舞 查看次数: 383 次
交易方式: 招聘 有效期至: 2012年11月25日
估  价: 未填写 联 系 人: 星光乐舞
交易地点: Huoying Subway Station, Exit E welcome you 电子邮件:
联系电话: 发布身份: 个人
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