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Ten thousand Run homelands have an owner to entrust to sell the house truth intermediary!!!!

( 发布时间:2007年08月04日 17:53:26 )

Has ten thousand Run homeland owner, is simply big SB, a while ago telephoned entrusts me to sell the house to him, added might give me month time, let me give him some money, might own sell to him! In my heart very was at that time happy, now was room source scarce time, had the wrap house not to worry sold, in heart secretly happy, without hesitation and he signed has detained the room contract, has returned to give back to his money! Who knew his MD takes the money, does not coordinate to look the room, some very many very has depended on the spectrum the customer he is frequently looks for each reason not to let look, had a customer to have with great difficulty to decide his house, but he to the customer said directly his plot also was does not have the berth, also was the transportation is not good, depended on one the spectrum the customer also to give very much entire yellow! Melancholy! Now I finally had understood, he is in order to obtain that several thousand Yuan to detain the room funds! In this human TMD is really mean! Ignominious!

发 布 人: 万润出了个大SB 查看次数: 547 次
交易方式: 转让 有效期至: 2007年11月11日
估  价: 54 联 系 人: 万润出了个大SB
交易地点: 未填写 电子邮件:
联系电话: 发布身份: 个人
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